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Una esfera dwemer

Discover the newest addition to ESO’s Loyalty Program, coming soon to six-month subscribers.
We’re getting ready to celebrate those of you who have been adventuring with us in Tamriel for six months with a new loyalty reward. In September, we began awarding everyone who reached three months of subscription time with the High Hrothgar Wraith, and we’re about to add another fun vanity pet to your collection: the Dwemer Sphere.
You’ll receive the Dwemer Sphere soon once you’ve been a paid subscriber for six months. This rare and mysterious companion will raise more than a few eyebrows at the local tavern. Expect questions—and make sure you have a good tale ready to tell! We’ll continue to add new surprises to the ESO Loyalty Program in the future, so keep exploring Tamriel and reap the rewards! We’re glad to have heroes like you in the community.
Want to get a hold of the Dwemer Sphere but haven’t kept your subscription active? You’ll still receive this special pet when you meet the six-month requirement if you choose to return!
Thank you again for choosing to spend your time in Tamriel—we hope you enjoy the new reward.