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Compensación por huecos de banco perdidos.

Carl Cross

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Esta mañana me a llegado un correo de soporte diciéndome que me dan una cantidad de oro acorde a los huecos y materiales perdidos y al entrar al juego me encuentro treinta mil oros en el inventario del personaje afectado, así que por mi parte el problemas esta resuelto.



Thank you for your patience while we investigated this item loss issue.
We understand that item loss is extremely frustrating. We wanted to ensure all possible avenues were exhausted before attempting a resolution. We have identified the cause of the item loss and this should be solved in the upcoming patch.

In your case, restoring the individual lost items lost would take significant additional time. Therefore, instead of restoring individual items that are easily replaceable in game, we are adding an appropriate amount of gold to your account to make up for the lost items. Please use this gold in game to replace your lost items at your discretion from vendors or other players. We apologize for any inconvenience this resolution may cause, but we believe this is the fastest way for you to recover the value of your lost items. We you hope find the gold we have added to your account a sufficient resolution to this issue.

We recognize this solution is not ideal for some rare items you may be missing. If there are any unique or specific items that you would like restored, please help us by identifying those items by name. If possible, we will restore those specific items on a case by case basis. This is a lengthy process so we ask in advance for your patience should you request we restore a specific item in this manner.

For specific item restoration, please submit a /help ticket, referencing that we have already restored your gold, and let us know exactly which item (by name) you would like us to try to retrieve. We apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused you and appreciate your patience while we work towards a satisfactory resolution.

Warm regards,
Lara H.
The Elder Scrolls Online Support


New member
Si, a mi también me dieron gold por todo lo perdido. Ya me está empezando a gustar el customer service, jeje.
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